Sarah Jones
Dec 20, 2022
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Unfortunately summer does not last forever here in Canada. Once the last week of August arrives we need to start thinking of the fall and the winter soon to come.
GBS Contracting Inc has prepared an annual autumn checklist for home and cottage owners:
Leaves – Clean the debris from your eaves trough and window wells. Raking leaves away from your foundation will help in that water flows properly during the spring thaw.
Appliances – Having a professional clean and inspect your furnace and wood stove is imperative to their ability to function safely and most efficiently.
Windows and doors – Inspection of both for leaks, caulking and weather stripping that needs replacing will help with winter drafts and heating bills.
Roof- Inspection and removal of any debris on the roof or shingles that are loose that require repairs. Remove any excess snow from roofs during winter.
Water Systems – Close and drain any outdoor taps, if you are closing the cottage for the season have a professional winterize the pipes to protect against freezing and burst pipes and a major spring inconvenience.
Gardens and Ponds – Shrubs and plants can be cut back in the fall once the growing season has finished. Leaves can be raked into gardens and wrap fruit trees etc for protection. Any sprinkler systems should be maintained by a professional. Ponds and filters should be cleaned of debris and the fish fed less frequently to prepare them for the cooler temperatures
Fall is also good time to inspect and test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace batteries.
For cottagers it is important to either hire a professional or do your own regular inspections of your structures and property and deal with any issues that may arise due to weather.
Once all the chores are done it is time to relax and enjoy the beautiful Muskoka winter!